Rabu, 30 November 2016


LIGHT by Muhammad Rafely

Dear light, who glow my aim
And this sealed heart.
I have a fright in my game
That binds in a dizzy part.

Dear light, who blow my sight
And this brittle little particle.
I have no reason to fight
Or sing an oracle canticle.

Dear light, who bow my mind
And this deviated core.
I have a set of eye that blind
Any faithful lore.

Dear light, who decide my step
And this lost soul.
I have a lonely feel that tap
And rap at my silly bowl.

Dear light, who control my emotion
And this doubtful entity.
I have a call called abolition
to abolish my sanity.

Dear light, who saw my future
And this endless pain.
I have a hope that abjure
This joyful plain.

Will I die? ---I hate life..
No one can understand my stand
Will I end my life?
It must be happened soon in my own hand.

Img source : http://media.gettyimages.com/videos/1080p-cupped-hands-hold-a-ray-of-light-video-id92915254?s=640x640



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